Dear Parents,
We are having a successful year. The students are achieving academically and growing personally. Thank you for your support. We have made this happen together as a team.
New Life International School has one of the best financial rates among international English schools in Japan, and we are determined to continue to offer affordable rates. This year many expenses have increased, including WASC accreditation fees, a new internet service, a digital student information system, an increase in book expenses due to the change in dollar/yen rate, and increased consumption taxes, among other things. Fortunately, we have grown significantly in our student population, and most costs have been covered. However, we still need to make an increase in the annual building fee to keep our books balanced. The building fee will increase from 35,000 yen to 60,000 yen starting from April 2023. No other tuition or fees will increase, so the total annual increase is only 25,000 for next school year.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Suzy Brown