NLIS Handbook
Welcome to New Life International School! NLIS encourages the love of learning, and teachers work hard to inspire happy, healthy children to follow God's teachings and encourage the students to serve each other in love. This handbook explains the school's basic plan, policies, and regulations.

New Life International School welcomes all students regardless of race, color, nationality, or religion.
VISION: To provide quality English Christian Education in a safe, loving, family atmosphere.
MISSION: We equip students to be active, independent, expressive, and loving.

I press on toward the goal of winning the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14
NLIS students are:
Actively expressive
Loving to learn
1-6 NLIS students are:
Apply Bible principles to daily life.
Show love and respect for our families and neighbors.
Warmly welcome and help others.
Respect other cultures.
Be good citizens.
Actively Expressive
Write clearly.
Ask questions.
Participate in class discussions.
Read with expression.
Loving to Learn
Study independently.
Work cooperatively.
Read well in English and in Japanese.
7-12 NLIS students are:
Apply Bible principles to daily life.
Show love and respect for our families and neighbors.
Warmly welcome and help others.
Respect other cultures.
Show love despite differences.
S erve the local and world community.
Actively Expressive
Participate in class discussions.
Communicate effectively with technology.
Explore and discuss connectedness to community, country, and the world.
Loving to Learn
Pursue lifelong learning.
Read, write, and communicate well in English and Japanese.
School policies, procedures, and curriculum:
NLIS is a Christian school, so we endeavor to teach a worldview seen through the Bible. Morals are taught in many lessons. The curriculum at NLIS is English-based, with primarily American texts and teacher-made units. The curriculum is carefully researched and chosen for each grade by a collaborative procedure with the principal and teachers.
The curriculum throughout our school, from first through high school, uses the following standards:
Common Core Curriculum in America for Language Arts, Math, and Social Studies
National Arts Standards for Fine Arts
Shape America Standards for Physical Education
Christian Schools International Curriculum for Bible
National Science Standards for Science from first through sixth
Next Generation Science Standards for Secondary Classes
Subjects taught at NLIS in grades 1 - 6 include the following:
Mathematics: Singapore Math, a world-known and high-level math curriculum
Science and Health in Grades 1-3: McRuffy hands-on experiments, including the use of STEM projects and research from grade 3, and personal safety week with a study on stranger danger and safety lessons
Science and Health in Grades 4- 6: BJU Science textbooks, labs, and unit tests, projects, research, and personal safety week with a study on puberty, stranger danger, and abuse (material is altered for the younger grades)
Bible: Positive Action Curriculum, NIV Bibles used daily (chapel on Fridays)
Language Arts: English grammar, writing, reading, vocabulary, spelling, literature, and poetry in grades 1-6; phonics in grades 1-2
Social Studies: community, history, economics, Japanese studies, geography, and Culture
Japanese literature: Students study grade-level kanji from trained, native Japanese teachers using the National textbook and other texts
Japanese for foreigners for grades 5 & 6: Students study with a bilingual teacher and take the international Japanese Language Proficiency Tests, N5 through N1.
Art: History, crafts, paints, sculptures, drawing
Drama: Students usually perform one drama at least every other year
Music: songs and dances in grades 1-3, ukuleles in grades 4 through 6; all students participate in annual Christmas concerts
Physical Education twice a week for 30 minutes. Students play team games and sports, including basketball, soccer, volleyball, pickleball, and kickball.
30-minute daily recess
Computer Skills in all grades from grade one
Keyboarding in all grades from grade three and up
Subjects taught at NLIS in Junior High School, grades 7-8, include the following:
Bible: Route 66, a survey of the Bible; chapel on Fridays
Singapore Math, a world-known and high-level math curriculum
Kesler Earth Science
Language Arts: English and grammar with interactive notebooks, several novel studies a year, short stories, including O Henry and other famous writers worldwide, newspaper studies, and current events. Required reading includes Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, The Hiding Place, The Cay, The Giver, The Mysterious Benedict Society, and more.
Asian history, geography, culture, politics, and government
ELECTIVES: Physical Education, Technology, Drama, Art, Home Economics, etc.
Subjects taught at NLIS in both Junior High and High School include the following:
Bible: a study on Proverbs, the book of John, the book of Romans; chapel on Fridays
Japanese four days a week: Grade-level Japanese National Textbook, kanji workbooks
Japanese for foreigners four days a week: Focus on passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Tests, N5-N2
Health: including personal safety week, focused on puberty, abuse, cyberbullying, a study of the Endocrine system, a survey of drugs and their harm
ELECTIVES: (Subjects are not all taught every year.)
Home Economics: Cooking, Cross-stitching, and knitting
Introduction to Photography: Using a cell phone, learning how best to use lighting, subject matter, and composition to create successful photos.
Physical Education: Fitness testing, four-square, basketball, jump rope, soccer, volleyball, badminton, pickleball, and table tennis
Introduction of Psychology: A study of the history of psychology and the various approaches.
Technology Information: Keyboard, coding, Google Drive, Word Processing using Google Docs, Slideshow presentations (Google Slides), Online Surveys (Google Forms), Spreadsheets (Google Sheets) Drive, Excel, and coding
Drama: Students learn drama techniques and perform in front of an audience
Choir: Students sing in groups, learn to harmonize, and perform in front of an audience
Introduction to Art: Drawing and sketching with lines, contour, shading, perspective, elements of art, principles of design, painting, and mixed media
Introduction to Sculpture
And more!
Subjects taught at NLIS in the High School include the following:
English: British Literature, American Literature, World Literature, and Literary Criticism
Mathematics: Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry 1 and 2, and higher math courses, depending on the program chosen
Science: Biology, Physical Science, Chemistry, and Physics, depending on the program chosen
Social Studies: World Geography, World History, and another course of choice depending on the program chosen
*Advanced Placement Courses and Honors classes: Students are encouraged to take Advanced Placement courses. AP is recognized for credit and placement around the world. Qualifying AP Exam scores earn credit, advanced placement, or both in nearly all universities in the United States and Canada and are recognized in over 100 other countries worldwide, including Japan. Advanced Placement is similar to the IB program, but AP can earn college credit. All AP courses are done online in the classroom. Students must take the test for college credit in Tokyo.
*extra fees required
NLIS High School programs
There are three choices of studies:
Minimum High School Program
Recommended High School Program
Distinguished High School Program
Digital requirement: One online course is required to help prepare students for the digital age. There is an additional charge for online courses.
Non-Course Requirement for Graduation: Students volunteer 50 hours in the community. Students can work at an organic farm or volunteer at a supermarket, hospitals, or museums.
+Bible class is .05 credits a year.
NLIS has two semesters a year.
Transferring seniors must take at least five full-credit courses from NLIS toward graduation.
Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) are available online at an extra charge.
Program 1: Minimum High School graduation program
To graduate from NLIS with the minimum program, students must take the following:
English 4 credits
British Literature
American Literature
World Literature
Literary Criticism
Mathematics 3 credits
Algebra 1
Math course of choice
Science 2 credits
Physical Science or Chemistry
Social Studies 2 credits
World Geography
World History
Physical Education 1 credit
Japanese 4 credits
Computer 1 credit
Fine Arts 1 credit
Bible 2 credits
Electives: As needed to complete the graduation requirements for the Minimum High School Graduation Program
Total Credits: 22
Program 2: Recommended High School graduation program
English 4 credits
British Literature
American Literature
World Literature
Literary Criticism
Mathematics 3 credits
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Science 3 credits
Physical Science
Chemistry or Physics
Social Studies 2 credits
World Geography
World History
Physical Education 1 credit
Japanese 4 credits
Fine Arts 1 credit
Computer 1 credit
Bible 2 credits
Electives: As needed to complete the graduation requirements for the Recommended High School Graduation Program
Total Credits: 24
Program 3: Distinguished High School graduation program
To graduate from NLIS with the Distinguished Program, students must take the following:
English 4 credits
British Literature
American Literature
World Literature
Literary Criticism
Mathematics 4 credits
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Choice of advanced math
Science 3 credits
Physical Science or Physics
Social Studies 3 credits
World Geography
World History
One approved elective
Physical Education 1 credit
Japanese 4 credits
Computer 1 credit
Bible 2 credits
Electives: As needed to complete the graduation requirements for the Distinguished High School Graduation Program
Total Credits: 26
The school provides one computer for every student from grade 3 through junior high. Students are encouraged to use the computers for research and presentations, to improve their keyboard and computer skills several days a week, and to play computer games occasionally. Computers are never allowed to leave the school.
The classrooms of grades 1 and 2 also have computers. Students in grades 1 through 8 take standardized tests online using the computers.
High school students are asked to buy computers because they will do some of their classwork daily.
School language:
The school language is English, so Japanese is not used in regular classrooms. The students learn much more quickly by focusing on English in school. Immersion is a fantastic tool for language learning. Japanese is studied four days a week in grades 1 through 12. All languages are used and encouraged during playtime and lunch. The goal at NLIS is for the students to be bilingual since both languages are equally important.
English is the language used in all classrooms except Japanese classes. Students should be (a) encouraged to use English positively and (b) given ample models of appropriate English usage. Any use of other languages in the classroom should be addressed by prompting them to find an English equivalent, e.g., “How would you say that in English?” Emphasizing to the students that only English is used in the classrooms.
Japanese is used in Japanese classes, except for the minimal use of English in the bilingual Japanese class.
Students are permitted to use other languages in social situations outside the classroom, such as recess, in the halls, or at lunchtime, as long as no one is excluded. In all social conditions, every student should have at least one partner with whom they can communicate readily. When one student is isolated, everyone should use the common language. Staff is expected to promote this approach actively.
NLIS follows the Japanese calendar by starting the school year in early April and finishing early to mid-March. NLIS observes all Japanese national holidays. Students meet for 183 class days a year, plus one day for a student-led conference with the parents and one day for a teacher/parent meeting without the student. Parents receive a detailed yearly calendar with exact dates of class days and holidays each year. Important school dates are posted monthly in the front lobby and on the calendar page on the school website.
Since we use American textbooks, which NLIS must buy from America, New Life International School follows the American tradition of loaning all books to the students. This saves tremendous money for the parents as textbooks typically cost 10,000 to 15,000 yen per subject, including math, English, science, and social studies.
At the beginning of every year, the school loans the books to the students for each course. The students may bring their borrowed textbooks home for homework, but they must treat them carefully, like library books. At the end of each year, the students must return the books. No student may write in the books; they must do their best to keep them nice for the next student. We usually keep the books for ten years.
Weather Policy for Early Dismissal, Postponing School, or Canceling
If bad weather is deemed dangerous for driving, the school must do everything necessary to prevent accidents by early dismissal, postponing, or canceling school.
In case of heavy snow, dangerous typhoons, or other emergencies, the principal and the board will decide if the school is to be closed. If the Chuo line cancels, the school will automatically close. If the school must change the school’s regular hours or cancel, the principal will post the news on the school’s Facebook page and the “Letters to Parents” page on the school website. We ask all parents to check either site if the weather turns bad. The staff will also call or send the parents a text.
If the school is canceled a whole day during a given school year, the students will not have to make up that day of cancellation. However, if more than one whole day is canceled within the school year, the second day and all the following canceled days must be made up to five days. For example, if only one day is canceled, no makeup day is necessary for that year. If two days are canceled, one day of makeup classes is necessary. And if six days are canceled, five makeup classes are required. However, if more than six days are canceled due to snow or any other emergency, only five days of makeup classes are necessary. Half-days are not made up.
School hours and parking rules:
Monday through Friday:
1st - 2nd grade: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
3rd - 6th grade: 9:00 am to 3:15 pm
7th - 12th grade: 8:50 am to 3:30 pm
Parents with large cars or vans should only use the side gravel parking lot. Large vehicles have trouble getting in and out, slowing traffic.
If you have children with different school hours, please drop off and pick up your children at your oldest child’s class time. The younger sibling will wait in their classroom in the mornings and afternoons. For example, if you have a child in 7th and 1st grade, please come at 8:45 and 3:30. Your first-grade child will wait with their teacher until you get them at 3:30.
Children must never play in the parking lot. Parents must come into the classroom to pick up their children when they arrive and should keep them from playing in the parking lot. If a parent wants to talk with another parent, please arrange to come ten minutes early and speak before you come in to get your child.
The maximum time parked cars can be in the parking lot is fifteen minutes unless the parent has an appointment with a teacher or staff member.
Parents are asked to take turns with flag duty, watching the children come and leave. Safety for every student is important at NLIS.
Arrival and departure times
For the safety of the children, all children should only be on school grounds when faculty and staff are present to watch and protect them. As a result, children should come to the school grounds no earlier than 8:40 and leave within 35 minutes of dismissal unless the parent pays for after-school care or if the student is involved in an extracurricular activity. If students commute independently, the school cannot guarantee their safety, so NLIS asks parents to know when and where their child travels. If a child is still on the school grounds 35 minutes after class has been dismissed, there is a fee of 300 yen per hour. The teachers need the time after school to grade papers, visit with parents, prepare for the next day's lessons, and for school meetings. Please inform your child's teacher if you will be late by calling the school office at 287-9577.
Students have three choices for lunch.
One, they may bring their own obento. Parents should provide balanced meals that include fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, grains, and drinks. Parents may also include a dessert. The lunches can be simple leftovers from the night before or something from a convenience store. There are no comments about each other's lunches, so parents do not have to prepare fancy obento daily.
NLIS also has two lunch services that deliver healthy lunches daily to the school:
Bear Café delivers warm Hong Kong-style Obento box lunches. The price is 350 yen for a small lunch and 400 yen for a bigger lunch. To order, use Line 080-7806-9021. You may pay once a week via PayPay or cash to the owner, Tony Konishi. These obento lunches are quite popular with the students and parents.
At Hanazen Bento, you can order a lunch box of the day from 350 to 400 yen and have it delivered to the school. Parents order and pay online through PayPay. Please see the homepage of "Hanazen Bento" for details.
Field trips, special days, class parties, and special speakers
NLIS has three class parties each year: fall, Christmas, and Valentine's. Some parent volunteers are asked to bring snacks for the class parties and activities.
All grades participate together in four school-wide fun activities: a school field trip to explore the community, Sports Day at Midorigaoka Gym, a celebration of the last day before summer doing water relays and games, and end-of-the-year minute-to-win-it relays.
Elementary NLIS students have special days throughout the year that focus on themes: Beach Day, Camp Literacy Day, 100 Days, and Opposite Day. The 6th graders have a school trip, usually to Yomiuri Land in Tokyo.
Secondary students celebrate"Spirit Week," Camp Literacy Day, and participate in the Student Council. The 9th and 12th graders have an annual school trip, usually overnight.
All grades participate in Spiritual Emphasis Week, which features special guests.
1st -3rd graders have an annual trip to the police headquarters or the fire department.
Special speakers come and share their talents several times a year. Police officers, dentists, train conductors, ventriloquists, artists, world travelers, musicians, and others have come to speak. English or Japanese can be used with our bilingual students. Parents are welcome and encouraged to come and share their talents and teach the students about their jobs or interests. The students learn a lot from the community and families.
These events reward the students for their diligent work and help increase their motivation for school learning.
Recess and physical education
All students at NLIS enjoy a daily 30-minute recess, usually outside.
In grades 3 through 12, students play outside in the front parking area (a gate is used to block off cars), the local park, or the gym.
Grades 1 and 2 do not use the parking lot but use the local park or the gym daily.
All elementary students take physical education classes twice a week for 30 minutes. They learn the rules of cooperation with teams in sports like soccer, basketball, volleyball, pickleball, table tennis, and kickball and learn about fitness and health through various exercises.
All 7th and 8th-grade secondary students must take a physical education class annually and meet for 50 minutes two and three days every other week.
All high school students, grades 9 through 12, must choose at least two physical education credits as an elective and meet for 50 minutes two and three days every other week.
NLIS is only 800 meters from Kofu station, and many students take the train or bus and can walk together to and from school. Students may walk, ride a bicycle, or take a bus or train, or parents may drive the student directly to the school by car. Students may choose any bike they wish to use but must always wear a helmet when going to and from school.
Clubs and extracurricular activities
ESL (English as a second language), JSL (Japanese as a second language), and Eiken classes are available Monday through Friday after school. Non-contact karate classes are offered on Thursdays. Separate Teen Girls' and Boys' Bible Study are offered once a week. Student Council meets once a week during lunch and sometimes after school. Afterschool Care is provided by several teachers until 5:00. Please see anyone in the office for more information about our after-school classes and care. Most NLIS students are involved in local after-school and weekend clubs and activities, including gym, gospel choir, piano, violin, taiko, sculpture, art, ballet, swimming, tennis, and soccer outside our school. Please see the school for more information on these activities.
New Life International School's policy is that the school assists the parents in raising children. Thus, the teachers and staff are here to help parents raise their children. Teachers ask parents to help as they train and discipline their children by supporting the school. NLIS encourages parents to spend quality time with their children, teach them morals and social skills at home, and communicate freely and frequently with the children about their feelings and experiences at school and with friends.
Christian teaching
The teachers teach Bible classes in the classrooms daily, and a chaplain teaches a Bible story and plays games with the students every Friday. All full-time teachers are Christians. Every class prays in the mornings and before lunch each day. Students are not required or coerced to follow the Christian religion. Still, they must agree to participate in the chapel, prayers, and Bible teaching. All religions are accepted at New Life International School. Currently, the families of New Life International School are Christian, Buddhists, Hindus, and people of no religion.
Student Grade Reports and Parent-Teacher Meetings
Parents with children in grades 1 through 6 will receive a grade report thrice a year in July, November, and March.
Parents with children in grades 7 through 12 will receive a grade report twice a year in October and March.
Parents will receive the grade reports in an email through the school's student information and grading system.
Parent/teacher conference days are in July and in November. In July, the parents come without the students to meet with their child's teacher to discuss the child's achievements. In November, the students lead the conference and show their parents their strengths and weaknesses.
Use of heaters and air-conditioners
Students focus better when comfortable and not stressed from heat or cold. Therefore, every classroom will have an average temperature of 20-23 degrees for cold months. The moderate temperature setting for hot months is 24 to 28 degrees.
NLIS recognizes that grades are important but doesn't overemphasize one grade or skill above another. NLIS teachers push the students to do their best and celebrate their unique talents. Students' grades come from daily work, written and verbal, projects, presentations, portfolios, quizzes, and tests. No test makes up more than 20% of a student's semester grade. A passing grade is considered 60%, and students must make an average of 60% on their assignments and test grades to pass. Because of the school's small teacher-student ratio, teachers are keenly aware of each student's abilities and work hard to ensure every student's success. If there is a problem, the teachers call the parents and ask for the parent's assistance with homework. The teachers are all invested in the students and want them to succeed.
For more information, please see "What is a Christian, Western-Style Education" on this website.
Retaining students
NLIS does not encourage retaining students because research shows that students who continue onto the next grade level do as well as those retained. The rare retention cases are generally only done in the early grades rather than in later grades. However, for developmentally slow, very young students or delayed English learning, students may need to repeat an early grade level to succeed in school. If required, the parents would be a part of this decision. After learning English, the students can go up a grade to be at the proper learning age.
Students should attend all classes and be on time to learn and get high grades. However, sicknesses and emergencies happen, and if students have a doctor's or parent's excuse for illness or death in the family, the school will work with the students to help them keep their grades on target.
Students may not miss more than 22 days of unexcused absences. If they do, they risk not passing their classes and may have to repeat the grade.
School begins at 8:50 a.m. for grades 7-12 and 9:00 a.m. for grades 1-6. Students who arrive after the class starting time are considered late to class. Students late to class 5 times in 6 weeks must stay after school or inside for recess to compensate for the lost time.
Standardized tests
Grades 1-8 take a standardized test three times a year. The students are tested in reading and math skills.
Grade 9 takes a practice PRESAT test online.
Grade 10 takes the PRESAT test.
Grade 11 may take the SAT. This test helps students apply to universities in America, Canada, and more than 800 universities worldwide, including some universities in Japan.
To keep clothes competition down and to help students feel unified, students must wear only black, navy, white, off-white, beige, gray, and plaid tops and bottoms. Dresses, skirts, trousers, short pants, jackets, and sweaters should all follow the uniform colors. No T-shirts, blue jeans, sweatpants, or yoga pants, please. The uniform should be worn Monday through Thursday every week. The exception is the school T-shirt. This may be worn daily with nice jeans. Friday is considered a free day.
Shirts must have no logos, designs, ribbons, or stripes but be solid colors. Boys' shirts must have a collar, either button-up or polo style. Girls may wear nice blouses or sweaters. T-shirts are only allowed during physical education classes and on Fridays, except for the NLIS T-shirt.
Dresses, skirts, and shorts
Girls may wear dresses, skirts, and trousers, but all must be in the school colors; skirts and shorts must not be too short. The general rule is that the skirt or shorts must never be shorter than the student's arm length. Undergarments must never be visible. Dark leggings are allowed.
All students must wear the school badge to school to help the community identify the child as part of our school. It should be pinned onto the shirt above the front left pocket or in that position if there is no pocket. Students receive one school badge free of charge. Parents may purchase a badge for 300 yen if they want more badges. However, the student may wear the school T-shirt instead of the badge.
Students use outdoor shoes in school. Students are free to wear shoes, boots, sandals, etc., as long as they are safe. Students must bring one pair of indoor shoes to keep at school in case of rainy weather and the outdoor shoes get muddy or wet during recess.
Fridays are "free days." Students may wear any color and style of clothes they desire as long as they are respectable. This is a custom in many American schools.
Physical education uniform
All children from Grade 7 must wear separate clothes for physical education classes. These should also be in the school colors. A time and a place will be given for the students to change. Students should take the P.E. clothes home every week to wash.
Other fashions
Though NLIS requires uniform colors, students are given some freedom in their hair length and body fashion; therefore, things such as perms, dyed hair, nail polish, etc., are left to the parent's choice as long as they are not so extreme as to distract from learning. Students should not bleach their hair white, green, yellow, or other extreme colors. It is distracting. Elementary girls may wear lip gloss and small, post-earrings, and girls in secondary girls from 8th grade may wear light makeup and wire earrings. However, the Biblical teaching of 1 Peter 3:3-4 is encouraged: Your beauty should not come from outward adornments, such as braided hair and gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. (NIV)
Fashion rules
Students should not wear clothing or fashion that distracts them or others from learning that appears immoral or unsafe. The word immoral implies something that might cause sexual temptation or encourage sin, according to Christian teachings. A distracting fashion would be so noticeable or shocking as to distract students from focusing their eyes and ears on learning in the classroom. In line with our policy regarding learning, morality, and safety, NLIS clothing and fashion rules at school or even on the way to and from school are:
Students should not dye their hair brightly colored, green, pink, or yellow, or wear distractive face paint. However, students may wear face paint during parties with the teacher's permission. Henna is allowed. Dyed hair in natural colors (brown, natural shades of red, black) is permitted. Bleached hair is not allowed since it is not culturally accepted in Japan.
Boys and girls must keep their hair out of their faces. They must cut the hair above the eyes or keep it away from the face by putting it behind the ears or fastening it. Hair over the eyes distracts the student from studying and causes one to hide from others emotionally. We want the students to have every advantage in mental and emotional learning.
No bags, jewelry, or clothing with a wrong message: foul language, offensive pictures, immoral themes in images or words, or pro-alcohol, pro-tobacco, or pro-drug messages.
Head coverings (hats, hoodies) should not be worn inside the classroom.
Students must not roll up, unbutton, or loosen clothes so the stomach, back, shoulders, mid-chest, or upper thighs can be seen or show any part of underpants or underclothes.
No tattoo should be visible on the school grounds or on the way to and from school.
Boys may not wear earrings since these are so controversial for males. For safety, elementary girls' earrings must only wear small earrings, such as small studs or tiny hoops. Girls from grade 7 and above may wear dangling earrings and wire earrings. For safety, teachers may ask students to remove earrings during physical education.
Boys must dress like boys, and girls must dress like girls. Boys may not wear dresses, and girls may not wear men's suits and ties. Deuteronomy 22:5 says, "A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing…"
Students should not bring expensive jewelry or bags to school. NLIS is not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen items.
School rules for student behavior
Students should take a positive view of school in the following ways:
Follow the instructions of all teachers and school leaders.
Do all homework and complete all class assignments with a positive attitude.
Attend classes daily and attend school and class events on time.
Follow NLIS dress regulations.
Show respect to all classmates, teachers, and school staff.
Students must not do the following:
Cheat on tests, copy others' homework, have someone else do the homework, or turn in a written essay or research paper copied from books or other sources.
Use bad words or vulgar language (including talking about sex or obscene things) in any language.
Break the school clothing regulations or wear clothing or other body fashion that disrupts learning, appears immoral, promotes alcohol, smoking, or drugs, or is unsafe.
Use cell phones or computers without the school's permission. All cell phones must be on manner mode during class. If a student uses a cell phone without permission, the teacher may confiscate the phone. The teacher will give the phone back to the student after school. NLIS will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any cell phone brought from home.
Damage things that belong to other students, teachers, or the school. Examples: drawing pictures on the wall, breaking a student's pen, hurting someone's clothes, etc. Students will be asked to restore or replace any damaged item.
Harass and bully: gossiping, teasing, making threatening gestures, touching, hitting, pushing, kicking, taking items from a child, sending wrong computer messages, telling lies about a child, etc. We will not allow one student to lead others to refuse to play with or communicate with another child or guide others to reject a child in any way—no jokes or insults about race, religion, culture, family, etc. Please see NLIS's bullying policy below.
Be involved in sexually related behaviors, including talking about or writing notes about sex, carrying or looking at pornography, drawing pictures containing naked bodies, or being sexually suggestive. Also, no sexual harassment: teasing about the body, sexual jokes, inappropriate touching, pointing, talking, sexually suggestive actions, etc. Students may not hug, hold hands, or kiss at or on the way to and from school. NLIS asks that students refrain from dating until the age of 17 and only with permission from their parents.
Take or "borrow" anything without the owner's permission.
Take part in any illegal activity, including underage participation with alcohol or illicit use of drugs, possession of drugs, or smoking cigarettes.
Attempt to encourage others to use alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs or encourage others to break the law in any way.
Commit violence: Hit or kick a teacher or student. Carry or use weapons.
Threaten to harm another student or teacher in any way—physically, socially, or emotionally.
NLIS bullying policy
NLIS will allow no child to bully, tease, or insult another student, no matter how different that child may dress, talk, act, or think, no matter the child's religion, race, culture, language background, family, or anything else that makes the child seem different. We do not accept the support of bullies for any reason from a child or a parent, and all bullying will be dealt with firmly. If you feel your child is a target, please immediately tell your child's teacher, the principal, or a staff worker. Note: To be bullied is to be mistreated by one or a group of people repeatedly. It is not a one-time disagreement or a careless word from a student.
Christian discipline
The following was taken from the school handbook of the Christian Academy of Japan in Tokyo. It is appropriate, so we have adopted this stance regarding our punishment and discipline policy:
Because of sin in our lives, there are times when the law of love and mutual respect is broken, school rules are violated, and disputes arise among students, teachers, staff, and parents. We all have sinful inclinations, but how we deal with sin, and its effects must differ from those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ. The Bible is our guide for dealing with sin. The Biblical process for dealing with sin includes:
-Admonition in love ("Did you have permission to take that from Yuko's locker?")
-Confession of wrong ("I'm sorry. It was wrong of me to do that.")
-Restitution ("I'll put it back right now.")
-Reconciliation ("I forgive you; let's be friends.")
When we follow this pattern, we can grow toward Christian maturity through our mistakes.
NLIS students are exceptional. They all try hard to get along and follow the rules. However, when a student hurts a person or someone's property, there are consequences. Because growth and change are the goals, the results of doing wrong should correct or repair the harm. Reconciliation requires personal confession, apology, and forgiveness. Abuse of property may demand restitution. For example, if a student makes a mess, they may have to spend extra time at school cleaning; if he or she wastes time in class or is frequently late, they may have to skip recess; if a student abuses a privilege, that privilege may be removed for a while. If doing wrong seems to be a habit or a pattern, or if the deed seems especially willful or severe, the school will contact the parents to set up a conference with the parents to discuss the problem and possible solutions. Proactive communication between parents and teachers is encouraged. A teacher might find it necessary to punish a child for strengthening their sense of sorrow and willingness to change. In addition to this process of warning, confession, restitution, and reconciliation, each teacher might also have a system of rewards, warnings, and punishments to train the children.
The following consequences are used for all children of NLIS who break the rules:
The student may have to pull a tag. (Explanation follows in the next column.)
The student may be removed from the class, primarily to help them concentrate on the lesson or to give the student a little space.
The student may write a letter of apology.
The student may have to eat alone.
The student may have to go to the principal's office.
The teacher or principal may call the parent if a student has a severe problem or a repeated problem.
Approved disciplinary measures
Every teacher at NLIS is free to use a different teaching style and establish their own rules in class. At the beginning of the school year, the teachers explain their rules to every student and give a letter of explanation to the parents.
One approved method used in some classes is "pulling tags." The teacher discusses the class rules and consequences with the students and gives a written explanation to the parents. If a child breaks a classroom rule, they must pull a cardboard-colored tag below their name in a discrete area on the room's wall. This visual reminds the children to be careful to follow the rules.
1. The first tag pulled is a warning. There is no consequence.
2. The second tag requires the student to write a letter of apology.*
3. The third tag requires the student to eat alone at lunch.
4. The fourth tag requires a meeting with the head of the school and possibly a parent.
*The letter of apology is a handwritten note from the student acknowledging that they understand that they have disrupted learning and will try not to repeat it. The younger ages have a form letter that the teacher reads and has the student sign. The teachers keep the notes until the end of the year. If the child has many letters, the teacher may show the parent to discuss ways to help the student improve their behavior. If the child hasn't many, the teacher will dispose of them. Other disciplinary measurements may include student disciplinary or behavioral probation and suspension of student attendance. These would be used in repeated fighting, stealing, or cheating cases. Corporal punishment shall never be used; however, reasonable physical restraint to protect persons and property shall be permitted. For instance, a teacher can pull apart the individuals to protect them if a fight occurs.
Expulsion from school
When all other attempts have failed, a child may be permanently removed from school and no longer enrolled. English schools in Kofu are limited, so this would be a last resort. NLIS will not allow one distraught child to destroy the school. However, NLIS will deal with troubled children with love, decisive action, and patience.
Open door policy
All parents may come and observe the classes at any time. However, it will help the teachers if the parent calls the school ahead of time so the teacher can prepare a seat and so that the parent can be sure that a regular lesson will be taught at that time.
We love parent volunteers! Please ask your child's teacher if you could volunteer to read to the children, laminate, or cut items for the teacher. NLIS loves having parents get involved by helping in the classes.
Parent-teacher conferences and explanation of multi-age classes
NLIS invites parent-teacher dialogue. NLIS has two scheduled conferences and several observation days during the year. The parents may request a meeting at any time during the year. Please write or call the office and make an appointment to meet with the teacher after school hours or the principal during school hours. Parents are valued and appreciated at NLIS.
NLIS classes are combined as follows:
Elementary: Grade 1, Grades 2 & 3, Grade 4, and Grades 5 and 6
Secondary: Grades 7 & 8 homeroom and Grade 9 to Grade 12 homeroom
During the day, secondary classes are divided into subjects.
As NLIS grows, the school plans to have separate class grades; however, we will use mixed-age classrooms until we buy another building. The following are the advantages of Multi-Aged Classrooms:
1. Gender
By having combined classes, there is a better chance of maintaining a balance of genders.
2. Students learning from students
Every teacher who teaches a multi-age class notes the value of students learning from the teacher and each other. Older children commonly mentor younger ones, which helps both the older and younger students reinforce their learning. It can also raise the students' self-esteem, encourage responsible behavior, and establish a healthy class atmosphere. NLIS is very proud of its family atmosphere. The mixed classes help the students interact with everyone in the school.
3. Teacher continues
Having multi-age classes at NLIS allows teachers to get to know their students for two years. The students and teachers get to know each other well and develop a close relationship with each other.
Are all subjects taught together?
No. All math classes are taught separately for each grade. Each teacher teaches two math courses separately. While one group is doing independent work, the teacher introduces the other.
Reading, spelling, and handwriting are also taught separately in all elementary grades. The teacher teaches one group while the other group works independently.
All subjects, writing, grammar, novel units, Bible, social studies, science, art, music, computer, and physical education, are done together in the class. For example, for the 5th and 6th-grade multi-age group, the 5th-grade level science is taught one year, and the 6th-grade level is taught the following year. This way, all the learning objectives are reached.
Japanese is taught separately in all grades by trained, native Japanese teachers. Track 2 is taught in a combined class with two teachers for students in grades five and up—track 2 students study for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Many students have passed several levels of the test.
Are "multi-age" classes found only in smaller schools?
No. Schools and educational authorities have adopted multi-age classes because of the advantages.
Is there a disadvantage for children moving from a multi-age to a single-grade system?
No, because in terms of paperwork, all students at NLIS are enrolled within a given grade. There are no complications if they transfer to another school.
Pray for the School
Please pray that God blesses your child and this school every day. Pray that God will guide us, give us wisdom, and bring peace to the students, teachers, staff, and parents of NLIS. Pray for your child each day that God will bless them on the way to school and in the halls with physical protection, learning, friendships, healthy emotional development, and, most of all, love and faith in God. Thank you for your support and prayers!