Dear Parents,
I was hoping that we were going to escape any contact with Covid this year, but unfortunately we have a child in the 1/2 grade classroom who has tested positive for Covid. She went home on Thursday with a fever. Today, (Saturday) she complained of stomach pain, so her mom took her to the doctor, and she tested positive. She is home and recovering at this time.
We will take the following steps: 1. The 1/2 grade classroom will close until Thursday, March 3. This is 5 full days that the 1st and 2nd grade children will not attend school. Ms. Stadius will not be able to do online classes since she cannot enter the school to get the materials necessary to teach. These classes will not be made up. We are fortunate that this has happened at the end of the school year.
2. The child and her brother will not come to class until Monday, March 7. The brother and she are in the same class so no other is affected.
3. Before school on Monday, the teachers and I will sanitize all the doors, doorknobs, playground equipment, the gym, and any other areas that may have been in contact with the child. Ms. Stadius sanitized the desks, the sinks, and the classroom very diligently on Thursday and Friday. The toilets are sanitized every day after school. Fortunately, the classes have been kept separated; therefore, students in the other classes have not been in contact with the 1/2 grade class and may attend school freely with no days off.
We ask that all the students and parents of the school be on extra alert. Please carefully check your child’s temperature every day. If anyone has symptoms, they should stay home. If you are unsure, stay home.
We have been very blessed not to have closures before this time. Hopefully, no one else will get sick and we can all finish the year strong.
If you have any questions, please contact your teacher, me, or Aiko san.
Warmest regards,
Suzy Brown
Principal of NLIS