October 18, 2021
Dear Parents,
Fall has finally arrived! It feels good out there! Please see below at all the exciting things we are doing at New Life International School this autumn.
October 22 F Library – students from 3rd grade and up will walk to the Prefectural Library to check out 2 English books and one Japanese book. We will only stay for 15 minutes as we continue to practice health safety.
October 29 F Fall class parties Your child will bring home a volunteer sign-up sheet. Please confirm that you can help with the party that we are requesting. We need your help providing snacks for our parties. The teachers will provide the activities and games.
October 30 S Open Campus 11:00-12:30 Please tell anyone who may be interested in our school about this date. All are invited to hear a 30-minute presentation about our school, take a tour, look at the curriculum, and meet with the teachers. This is also on Zoom, ID #4332594049, and the password is newlife1. The Zoom will only be from 11:00 to 11:30.
November 3 W Off for Culture Day
November 5 F Library
November 9 T Picture Day! Every child should comb his or her hair and wear the proper dress code for the school pictures. See below the price list. Jeff and Michal Miyata at 38 creative shots do a fantastic job and have creative ideas on how to take “class” pictures this year without a mask completely safe.
November 10 W Observation day for prospective parents
November 16 T Picture retakes, as necessary
November 26 F Field day to Midorigaoka Sports Park and Gym
Warmest regards,
Suzy Brown