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Fall Newsletter

September 2, 2023

Dear Parents,

We hope you enjoyed a restful summer. School starts Monday, and it will be wonderful to see everyone back! We will welcome four new students, all girls, this September. They are in grades K, 2, 8, and 9. The families are moving from other prefectures, and one family is moving from Sri Lanka soon. Please help them feel welcome to Yamanashi and our school.

On a sad note, Sari Ito, our kindergarten teacher, must take off due to health issues. We welcome Sari’s substitute, Chiho Takei. Ms. Takei has taught English for 15 years, and we are thankful to have her take the kindergarten class so quickly. She has agreed to teach all day right now but prefers to only teach in the afternoons, so we are looking for someone to take the morning classes from 8:40 to 12:00. If you know of anyone, please let the school know.

WASC has officially passed us to the next level toward gaining full accreditation by 2025! The next step is to file another school report to WASC in June 2024. Once we have turned in the school report, WASC will schedule a visit to our school. It will be from the fall of 2024 to the spring of 2025. Upon passing the visit, all grades will be fully accredited at New Life International School.

All NLIS teachers will take three two-hour training sessions with WASC on Zoom. The training is to help us with the school report. The first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 4, from 2:00 to 4:00. Therefore, classes will be dismissed on October 4 at 1:45.

Please have your child turn in their art project if they did one. NLIS will mail the art together.

The teachers at NLIS have prepared for a great autumn full of activities to help make our students' learning more motivating and fun. On September 15, we are having our annual Camp Day. On this day, we do various hands-on learning activities with a camp theme. We will put "fireflies" (white lights) on the gym walls, set up canopy tents, and have a wonderful time by turning off the lights and reading under the tent cover with flashlights. Every class will take turns reading books and playing learning games in the gym. The students will eat s'mores, a yummy snack. When one eats one, one wants "some more."

Below are the special days in September and October.

September 8 F Library; English Parents’ Bible Study 2:00-3:00 (All are invited!)

1 5 F Camp Day; Assembly

18 M Off Holiday: Respect for the Aged

19 T Parent Observation Day (You will get a letter this week.)

22 F Library, Class Movie Day for Grades 7-11

29 F Fire Safety Drill

October 3 T Report cards for Grades 7-11 (a letter will follow)

4 W Early Off 1:45; Teacher Training for WASC

5 TH World Teacher Appreciation Day

7 F Library

9M Off Holiday: Sports Day

13 F Assembly

16 M 100 Days of School

20 F Library; English Parents’ Bible Study

19 TH Picture Day! (more information on that later)

23 M Open Campus for Prospective Parents - This is for parents who are interested in sending their children to our school.

27 F Fall Class Parties (more information about that soon)

We are looking forward to a great fall with your child!

Warm regards,

Suzy Brown

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