The following permission form will be given to your children for you to fill out and return to the school. Thank you!
Our class will be attending a field trip as follows:
Location: Kawaguchiko Sarumawashi Theater
Kawaguchiko Park
Mode of transportation: Bus
When: Day: Monday Date: May 29, 2023
Time: Leave school by: 9:00 Return to school: 3:15
Cost: 2000 yen (includes roundtrip bus and theater fare)
Additional instructions: Children should bring a box lunch (obento), water, a hat, and a mat. A light backpack and comfortable shoes are recommended since we will be outside most of the day.
Any parent who would like to join us, we gladly welcome, but parents will have to take a car because the bus will be full. We will have one car going, and there may be room in that car.
Please return the permission slip to your child's teacher by Tuesday, May 23.
I give my child, _______________________________________________________ , permission to attend the field trip to Kawaguchiko on Monday, May 29 from 9:00 to 3:15.
I give my permission for my child to receive emergency medical treatment. In case of
emergency, please contact:
________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Name Phone
________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Any comments: