Expected homework amounts for spring and summer breaks are below. Assignments will be given to the students in detail by the grade level teachers before the holidays.
The students work very hard at school during the year, so during vacation they should play. Active play is important for a child’s growth, physically and emotionally. If they have too much homework, they are inside too much. Therefore, NLIS will give a limited amount of homework during breaks. If parents want the students to study more, we suggest taking the children to the library, museums, and other outings, and then having the students write, draw, and research more about the experience. The teachers will be happy to see the students’ finished work when they return to school.
We teachers also strongly believe that students should be allowed to get bored during breaks. For the sake of student development, we are suggesting that each family choose one day a week in which students do not watch TV or play computer games or other electronic devices. This is to help the students have time to be creative during the holiday, i.e., play with their siblings, bake a cake, clean their room, or play board games. I firmly believe that it doesn't harm the children to be bored for a time. It forces them to be resourceful and creative.
Note: There will be very little homework required during the winter break since this is a shorter break and it usually revolves around family celebrations.
Typical Spring Homework (see below for Summer and Winter)
Grades 6 and 9
· Have no homework since they are graduating from the elementary and junior high
Grades 3-5, and 7-8, 10-11
· Read a book or two and write summaries for each (Books will have guidelines, page numbers, level of difficulty, etc.)
· If there is no English support at home, watch a number of English shows with summaries.
· Up to 5-7 assignments of math
· Japanese homework
Grades K-2
· Read up to 5 books, and draw or write a summary for each (decided by the teacher)
· Do up to 5 math worksheets
· Do up to 5 writing exercises
· Japanese homework for grades 1 & 2
Summer Homework
Grades 3-11
· Read a number of novels and write a book report or summary (3-5, depending on the size and level of the book, and the grade level)
· If there is no English support at home, watch a number of English shows and write a summary of each.
· Do up to 7-9 assignments of math
· Work on the science fair project
· Read up to 8 books and write summaries or book reports for each.
· Do up to 8 math sheets
· If there is no English support at home, watch a number of English shows and draw a picture of each.
· A project (instructions will be given by the teacher)
Winter Homework
This season is a family time full of traditional activities. Therefore, almost no homework is assigned during this time.
· Read 2 books
· If there is no English support at home, watch a number of English shows and draw a picture of each.
· Read 2 books
· If there is no English support at home, watch a number of English shows and write a summary of each.
· Finish any homework or projects not done.
· Work on the community service, if possible
Daily Homework During the School Year
School homework is assigned in order to:
• Develop motivation
• Develop children’s initiative and sense of responsibility
• Help children understand that formal learning can take place outside the school
• Reinforce skills, concepts, knowledge and attitudes taught in the classroom
All class teachers, grades K through 12, will usually assign homework to students Monday through Thursday, according to the child’s level. Fridays and weekends are usually free of homework expect for projects, special reports, studying tests, and finishing homework that was not done during the week.
The following chart shows the amount of time students are expected to spend doing homework. Please note that the actual time for each child may be different since all children work at different levels and at different speeds.
Grade K2: 5 to 10 minutes a day
Grade K3: 5 to 15 minutes a day
Grade 1: 15 to 20 minutes a day
Grade 2: 15 to 25 minutes a day
Grade 3: 20 to 35 minutes a day
Grade 4: 25 to 40 minutes a day
Grade 5: 30 minutes to an hour a day
Grade 6: 30 minutes to an hour a day
Grade 7: 45 minutes to an hour a day
Grade 8: 45 minutes to an hour a day
Grade 9: 1 hour a day
Grade 10: 1 hour to 75 minutes a day
Grade 11: 1 to 1 1/2 hours a day
Grade 12: 1 to 1 1/2 hours a day
Kindergarten students through grade 2 will be given a weekly homework assignment from his or her teacher. Parents will need to listen to his or her child read every night, and make sure that they complete any other assignment given.
It is the responsibility of all students in grades 3 and up to maintain a homework diary in which they write down homework assignments, and complete them by the deadlines set by the teachers. Students may be required to re-do homework if it is not meet the required standard. For all students, the meeting of deadlines is a vital skill that they have to learn.
Some homework is expected the next day, but some is not expected until the end of the week. Teachers will communicate with the students and parents on the expectations of each class. Teachers feel that students need to learn how to organize their work over a number of days and how to fit it into a schedule that might include commitments outside of school.
Parents are discouraged from taking their children on vacation while the school is in session. The school is under no obligation to give additional homework to students in the case of private/personal trips.
If a child becomes sick and misses school, teachers will give the missed class assignments and homework to the child when he or she returns, or a parent may come to the school to pick up the assignments and books. If the child misses one day, he or she has two days to turn in the work. If the child misses two days, he or she has four days, and so on.