June is a busy month. We have a lot of exciting things happening.
Food bank June 1-30
NLIS has given 92.5 kilograms of food to the Yamanashi food bank in the past two years.
Any cans, boxes, bottles, and rice are welcome. Please make sure the expiration date is at least six months from June. NLIS has given 92.5 kilograms of food in the past two years. There will be boxes in the front. Thank you for your donations!
5th & 6th Field trip
June is also set to be a super month! On Friday, June 9, the 5th and 6th graders will go to Yomiyuri in Tokyo. (I want to go!)
Parent’s English Bible Study
Two Fridays a month, you are invited to join me for a relaxed time using English as we study a Bible lesson. We are looking at Jesus’ life. We talk and laugh each meeting, and it’s a good time to develop friendships. Every time is different.
Travel Storyteller!
Thursday, June 8, Heather Hope is coming to share her travels with us. She’s been to NLIS before, and we thoroughly enjoyed her! She travels worldwide, and her husband takes fantastic pictures. Parents are welcome to come and listen, too! We will meet at 2:20 in the auditorium. (You can look her up on YouTube.)
Teacher WASC Workday
Monday, June 12, is the last teachers’ workday of the year. Teachers will finish the WASC school report and turn it in. If it is accepted, and we believe it will be, a WASC team will come to NLIS and visit our school. We will ask them to come in the 2024-2025 school year so that all grades, K-12, will be observed, and we will get accreditation for all grades K-12.
Open Campus for Prospective Parents
Monday, June 19, is an open campus for parents interested in NLIS. If you know of anyone, please pass the word that we are opening the school for a tour, classroom observations, and a PowerPoint presentation on the school. The speech will be bilingual, and there will be a question-and-answer time. The speech is at 10:30. The school is open from 9:30 to 12:00.
Personal Safety Week
On Tuesday through Friday, June 20-23, the students will separate in gender and grades from grade 2. Students in grades K-3 will discuss stranger danger, safe and unsafe touches, and no, go, yell, tell. Students in grades 4-11 will discuss healthy relationships, puberty, internet safety, and sex education.
Art Fair
Monday through Friday, June 26-30, is the NLIS annual art fair. Students’ artwork will be displayed in the halls on the 1st floor. Near each child's art, there will be a pocket for fan mail. All visitors, students, parents, guardians, and guests are asked to leave positive messages about the art. This is anonymous praise. The students love reading the letters and look forward to opening their pockets yearly. The art, by the way, is always impressive! Our students rock!
Comment Box:
There is a new suggestion box at the front entrance for parents and students to leave comments or suggestions for the school. We appreciate parents' and students' input to help make NLIS a better school.
1st – 30th Food Bank
2nd F Assembly
2nd & 16th F Parent’s English Bible study
8th TH Travel Storyteller: Heather Hope 2:20
9th F 5th & 6th Field Trip to Yomiyuri
12 M Teacher WASC Workday Students are off
9 & 23 F Library
16 F Earthquake Drill
19 M Open Campus Prospective parents will be coming to hear a presentation and take a tour of the classes. Please let your friends and family know about this date.
20-22 T-TH Personal Safety Week
23 F Set up art in halls
26-30 Art Fair
30 Assembly;Movie day (K-6) The movie is usually based on books that the class has been reading. This allows time for the teachers to work on the coming report cards.