Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe that we only have 4 1/2 more days of school! The school is humming with activity. Students are working on speeches for graduation, taking tests, finishing novel units, and doing a lot of fun, memory-making activities.
Some activities include taking a nature walk and playing along a river, listening to music during the day, moving the desks anywhere in the room, bringing stuffed animals to class, walking to the castle and having a picnic, wearing pajamas to school, and having a read-a-thon. This Friday, many classes will watch a movie. In the 3/4 grade class, students are welcome to bring an extra snack as we watch “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of Dawn Treader.”
Thursday, March 3, 6th grade will have a graduation ceremony from 2:30. Parents of the graduates are welcome.
Friday, March 4, 9th grade will have a graduation ceremony from 2:45. Parents of the graduates are welcome.
Monday, March 7, all classes will clean the school. Students are not required to wear uniform colors on this day since it’s a work day. We will be sweeping, dusting, mopping, vacuuming, washing sinks, walls, windows, and our desks, inside and outside.
Note: Students should bring a bag on Monday to take home supplies and indoor shoes.
Tuesday, March 8, 1st through 9th grade will participate in Minute-to-Win-it relays. Students can wear the school t-shirt on this day if desired. The kindergarten class will play games in their own classroom since some of the games for older kids are not easily done by the kindergarten children.
Wednesday, March 9, students will have a nice morning with their classmates by celebrating the year with class awards and other activities. School will be closed at 12:00. There will be no lunch. Please come on time and leave as quickly as you can to avoid parking problems.
On Wednesday, students will receive report cards, a supply list, and spring homework.
I hope every child and family in our school has a wonderful and safe spring break. It’s going to be a great year with new students, teachers, and assistants. We’ll see you on Wednesday, April 6 at 9:00. It will be a half day and no lunch will be needed. May God bless us all!
Warmest regards,
Suzy Brown, principal
New Life International School