October 28, 2024
Dear Parents,
The students have been working hard in their classes on projects, research, experiments, math skills, reading, writing, Japanese, and much more. They took the 2nd standardized test over reading and math skills in October. Your children will share their results at the student-led parent-teacher meeting on November 29. In December, two high school students will take the SAT college entrance exam at CAJ (our affiliated school in Tokyo). Several students are taking the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) this December, many are studying for the Eiken test, and four are taking their karate tests. The whole school is practicing their songs for the Asahi Festival on November 23, and other classes are practicing ukuleles, songs, handbells, etc., for the Christmas Program in December. We are busy beavers!
October was also a fun month, with Midorigaoka Sports Day, where the kids played as hard as they worked. The secondary students are enjoying Spirit Week this week, the whole school is getting ready for the first Vocabulary Parade on Friday, November 1st, and the classes will also have a fall party on Friday.
WASC: Good news! We turned in the first three chapters of the self-report and received this response: “It is well in line with our expectations. Well done!”
We’ll be turning in the full self-report this month. I’ll post the first three parts of the study on this website. We are happy to share this report with all of you.
Three WASC coordinators are coming to visit our school from February 24 to 28.
They will ask many questions of the students, teachers, staff, board, and parents. The following are possible questions they may ask.
· Please describe how this school helps students learn.
· How does the school keep you informed about programs, activities, and the progress of your child?
· What ages/grades are your children in? How long have they been here?
· Why are your children here?
· What aspects of the school make you glad you selected this school for your child?
· What is something the school does really well?
· Are your children happy going to school here?
· Describe your understanding of the mission of this school.
· Does the school communicate effectively with parents?
· Have you ever expressed concerns to the school? How did they respond?
· How are parents involved with the life of the school? With decision-making?
· Describe the relationship between parents and teachers; between parents and administration.
· What would you say to a friend who was considering transferring their child to this school?
· What are some improvements needed at this school?
November Calendar: There are a lot of important days this month.
1 F Fall Party; Vocabulary Parade; Assembly 9:05 Please have your child dress as any vocabulary word. Examples are in the October Newsletter.
4 M OFF Culture Day
5-15 Yamanashi Food Bank Please support the people in Yamanashi by bringing canned and packaged food and leaving it at the front entrance in the boxes.
5 T Open Campus This is for prospective parents interested in their children attending New Life International School. Please let your friends and family know about this day. We will give a school tour, show the curriculum, and give a bilingual speech with a PowerPoint presentation. It’s from 9:15 to 11:15. You can also come!
8/22 F Library; English Parent Bible Study
15 F Movie Day (1-5)
19 T Report Card (1-5); Tchr. Mtg. 3:35-5:00
20 W OFF Yamanashi Day
23 Saturday Asahi Festival! 1:50-2:40
29 F No Classes Student Led Parent/Teacher Meeting
If you have any questions about any of the above, please don’t hesitate to ask me or your child’s teacher.
Warm regards,
Suzy Brown