April 15, 2023
Dear Parents,
The teachers and students would like to invite parents and grandparents to come and visit their classes on Thursday, April 27. Open House is for the students to have a chance to show their parents their work, textbooks, and things they like to do in school. Every class will be a bit different.
The schedule is as follows for Thursday, April 27:
1:00-1:20 1st & 2nd graders meet parents and grandparents in the auditorium, then go to their separate classrooms. We hope the new 1st-grade teacher will be here by the 23rd.
1:25-1:45 3rd & 4th grade class
1:50-2:10 Kindergarten
2:15-2:35 5th & 6th graders will meet parents and grandparents in the auditorium, then go to their classroom.
2:40-3:00 7th & 8th
3:00-3:20 9th-11th (upstairs in the cafeteria)
Parking is limited, so as soon as you have seen your children’s classes, please leave so other parents can have a parking spot.
Inspecting other schools is a WASC requirement for all WASC schools. I will leave for Thailand to do a school inspection from April 21 to April 28.
If you have any questions, please see me, or ask your child’s teacher.
Thank you,
Suzy Brown, Principal