New Life International School's science fair is this Friday, February 18! Parents are welcome to come and watch their child's class presentations. Please see the times below for the classes. However, we are observing safety protocols during the pandemic, so please only stay for your child's class. The judges will discuss and determine the results, and then place the awards on the projects. The classes will return one class at a time in the afternoon to discover the judges' decisions. The students have worked very hard, and we are all looking forward to this Friday!
8:30-9:00 Judges and parents may come to view the entries before the presentations begin. No students, please!
9:00-9:40 7/9 class with 9 students and Mr. Rasson
9:50-10:30 5/6 class with 10 students and Mr. Brown
10:40-11:25 3/4 class with 10 students and Mrs. Brown
11:25-12:25 Judges will discuss and award the prizes.
12:30-12:40 7/9 class will come to see the results.
12:45-12:55 5/6 class will come to see the results.
1:00-1:10 3/4 class will come to see the results.
1:10-1:40 K/2 classes will come to see the projects.
1:40-2:20 Free time for any who haven't viewed the science fair projects.
2:25-2:35 7/9 graders will remove their presentations.
2:40-2:50 5/6 graders will pick up their presentations.
2:55-3:05 3/4 graders will pick up their presentations.
God bless our students on Friday!