Dear Parents,
On Friday, February 7, we will have our annual Science Fair upstairs in the cafeteria. Parents are always welcome and encouraged to watch their children present their projects. The students are all working hard on their experiments and poster boards, and we are proud of each one. Parents do not need to make a reservation, but please park in the gravel parking lot and leave after your child's class has presented because of the limited parking space.
We are very grateful for this year's judges, Mrs. Carolyn Kubota, Mrs. Annie Chen, and Mrs. Rhonda Tezuka. They volunteer their time, and it is not an easy task to pick the winning projects.
The schedule is as follows:
4th-6th graders 9:00-10:00
The students in grades 4th through 6th will have three to six minutes to make their presentations. Then, the judges will ask questions for three to six minutes.
7th-12th 10:15-12:00
The students in grades 7th through 12th will have up to ten minutes to make their presentations. Then, the judges will ask questions for four to six minutes.
There will be three winners from each group, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. All winners will receive a ribbon and a certificate.
The results will be announced to the students in the auditorium after lunch at 1:00. Later that day, I'll post the results with pictures of the project on Facebook and on the school website. The presentations will be left up in the cafeteria for viewing (with the ribbons posted on them) from 12:30 to 2:30. Parents are welcome to come during this time.
Thank you for having great children!
Best regards,
Suzy Brown