Dear Parents,
I hope you had a pleasant “Golden Week” holiday. I enjoyed hearing all the things the students did during the long weekends.
Here are several reminders for this month:
1. Your children’s classes are open this Friday. The students want to show you what they do in their classes. Please come to only your child’s class since parking and classroom space is limited. Here is the schedule:
9:05-9:35 2nd Grade
9:40-10:00 4th and 5th Grade
10:00-10:20 3rd Grade
10:30:10:50 1st Grade
11:00-11:20 6-8 Grade
11:25-12:00 9-12 Grade
2. NLIS will have the annual Spiritual Emphasis Week next week from May 13 to 17 from 11:25 to 11:55. We have several special visitors:
Monday: Ventriloquists
Tuesday: Mr. Cyprien from Rwanda
Wednesday: Miss Yi
Thursday: Mrs. Brown
Friday: Dr. Brown
Parents are welcome to come and, if you would like, stay and eat lunch with your elementary child in the cafeteria from 12:00 to 12:30.
3. The field trip planned for May 23 has been changed to Wednesday, June 12. There were no busses available in May. All students must come together on the busses. If you would like to go to Kachoen with your child, please inform your child’s teacher. There are spaces on the bus for some parents. The cost for elementary students is 3,000 yen and the cost for secondary students is 3,500. This includes the bus fare and the ticket to Kachoen.
4. English Bible study is on Friday, May 17 & 31, from 2:00 to 3:00 in the cafeteria. Everyone is welcome.
5. Students from 9th through 12th grade are required to complete 50 hours of volunteer work experience. Six students are working with an organic farmer starting today after school. A parent mentioned he would enjoy having students volunteer at his workplace. If you would like a volunteer worker, please tell either of the secondary teachers.
6. Please send the 1,000 yen for PSE by May 31. The money will be used for special items such as microscopes, beakers, etc. for science, computers, physical education equipment, etc. We will tell you what is decided each year. Thank you for helping our school have up to date materials.
7. Please turn in the paper of the times you can volunteer to watch the children in the parking lot. All parents are needed for this. If every parent volunteers for only four days year, we will have a safe parking lot for our children all year.
Warm regards,
Suzy Brown